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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year! - Derek

Hello and Happy New Year to everyone out there! I hope everyone reading this has had a great holiday season (and one not too detrimental to your physique), and that 2011 bring excellent health and good fortune. I also want to thank everyone who supported me with their vote(s) during my campaign as BodySpace's next Spokesmodel. I made it all the way to the semifinals, and I couldn't have done it without you!

I also wanted to let everyone know who hasn't heard already that now is the time to sign up for Gold's Gym's 12 Week Challenge! This competition is held every year right after the holiday season to see who can make the best health/fitness improvements between January and April, and for those who may not recall, I happened to train 3 winners last year. Ahem. So come sign up and get your Spring physique ready!

Another big opportunity this year that Marcella and I will be taking advantage of is the annual Holistic Holiday at Sea . This is a cruise during the first week of March that features gourmet vegan dining, cooking classes and seminars, as well as nutrition lectures by such individuals as Dr. T. Colin Campbell and vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke! Needless to say, this is right up our alley and we are very excited about what we will learn and who we will meet. Take a look at the website and see the details for yourself!

And speaking of Dr. Campbell, I will (finally) cover the final 2 of his Principles of Nutrition in my next post, so until then keep at the Beans & Greens!